Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Last night we were attacked by a undercover yak. Around 3 a.m. Mandy had just laid Luke down after his feeding and left the bedroom. I was awakened to the sound of "The Yak". I jumped up and looked into the bassinet to find Luke covered in Yak juice, something akin to sour cream that has been watered down to a saucey texture. Luke had been drenched from head to toe by the sneaky beast who entered and left our home undetected.
I wonder if he is related to the tooth fairy?
Does anyone else have any tales of the "Yak" coming over to leave a saucey present? Posted by Hello


Jen said...

Oh yes, "The Yak" has been here off and on for the last eight months.... BUT, we don't see him so much anymore. However, my sweet little niece, Emma, is six months old and is called "Mt. St. Emma" because "The Yak" visits THAT often. It's bad.

You just have to have a sense of humor. When Hunter wasn't getting Yak visits, he was shooting bodily fluids out the sides of his diaper. I can't remember how many times we had to change his outfits in the middle of the night... Thank goodness my mom was doing the laundry at the time! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The Yak rarely visits us anymore unless Hunter lays on his belly soon after eating.

If you don't do it already, you can prop up the bassinet or crip mattress just a slight amount to encourage food to stay down... But to some extent, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.

Batty Becky said...

Whoa! That's spooky! I've never had a Yak attack me like that! Is there a way too keep them at bay? Maybe some garlic on the door frame?

Batty Becky said...

Whoa! That's spooky! I've never had a Yak attack me like that! Is there a way too keep them at bay? Maybe some garlic on the door frame?

Anonymous said...

Get used to the YAK, it continues through even the toddler years (do NOT look at my Explorer seats!), that stuff does NOT come out of nice car seats. "gag"

Cindy Kyser