Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Luke shootin' the breeze with his,, (great-uncle-in-law?) relative Tommy during a visit to his great grandparents house. Lots of relatives, lots of talking, lots of playing, and somewhere during the day, Luke got sick with a cold that lasted the whole week. Somehow my cousin smelled his breath and predicted that he would be sick soon because it smelle like medicine. How weird is that? Can anyone else give me signs to look(or smell) for? I know that if it smells like poop, it is probably poop. Posted by Hello

Luke, sitting in his great-grandmothers lap while his grandmother holds Lydia, His cousin. They are only a few weeks apart. Posted by Hello

Pooped. Posted by Hello

There is a story to this. My family is real big on holiday get togethers. Thanksgiving and Christmas are huge gatherings where much food is eaten and crazy stories are told and retold. The family is growing quite extensive so we started drawing names for presents. (We really don't put too much into the whole gift giving because we really enjoy the talking part SO much more) About 7 years ago my aunt Laina suggested we play "Dirty Santa". None of us had heard of it before but we were willing to give it a try. As with all things, we didn't play it like everyone else. The trick was for us to bring anything around the house worth less than 10 dollars. Used or brand new. I took home the old Santa candle that had been in my mothers staple of displays since the mid 80's that my brother and I had "accidentally" lit and let burn down till his face was melted off. Mandy brought home a set of faux wooden owls to hang in our kitchen (which have since been "lost" in another Dirty Santa game.) Someone took home my lava lamp and someone else took home one of Mandy's college textbooks. you get the idea. This huge gold watch was brought by someone who wouldn't even claim it but My brother was the lucky winner and brought it back the following year. It was a regular every year and we all got a big laugh over how we would "display" it, knowing that it would go under a bed or in a closet till next year. Sadly, it didn't make a return several years ago but no one said anything. It was lost. I walked into my grandparents bed room to change Lukes diaper and guess what I found? Hanging on the wall! What time is it? It's Hammer time! Posted by Hello

Tada! He started this on Saturday. (He is leaning against the couch, not free-standing) Posted by Hello

Eli and Courtney came by tonight to watch A.I. so I took the opportunity to get some pics. Posted by Hello

Best buddies, Luke and Eli. Posted by Hello

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Hanging out, eating handburgers with my pal Eli. Posted by Hello

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"That's why they call it a way homer,,,,Eli get's it on the way home!" Lukes impersonation of Glen from "Raising Arizona". Posted by Hello

Is this a new hip-hop group? Eli seems to be chillin' while Luke is doin' the posin'. Posted by Hello

No, there wasn't a sudden earthquake. They just sorta tumbled this way very slowly. Posted by Hello

In stereo! Posted by Hello

In Case anyone was wondering how Alowishus was handling the new addition, here is your answer. Never the one to cause anyone any harm, she has licked the hair from most of her posterior and seemed to be on her way to cleaning herself into a hairless cat (which would make her more valuable but a terrible eyesore at the same time) I took her to the vet last week and they pronounced her "crazy". No duh. Posted by Hello

Here is Devadander, modeling for the picture of Ally's "medicine". Yes, her meds are in a plug in dispenser! Just like an air freshner but it releases kitty phermones. The vet called it kitty prozac but I like to think of it as "Good Kitty Karma". We will see how well it works. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Your View of Your Home Will Never Be The Same!

This is gonna be short and sweet. Click the header and put your address in the search box. Zoom in real close, and change from map to satellite! That is awesome! You can drag across the image too! Go find something weird near you. Try Google sightseeing at http://www.shreddies.org/gmaps/ and check out his cool finds.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

This was taken at Lukes Dedication. Short attention spans run in my family as you can see. Pastor Jamie looks a bit different from the last time he showed up in the blog. Must be one of those new fad diets. (hint, look in the halloween pics.) Posted by Hello

In order from left to right; Alyson, Luke, and Emily. Luke couldn't ask for to better cousins to grow up with. Posted by Hello

A Tale of Two Dads. Yes, that is my brother Brad on the left and me, Chris, on the right. No, he is older and yes, I weigh more and no, I don't want to hear any jokes about it. Finally, no I am not high in the picture, I always have circles under my eyes since before Luke was born. Posted by Hello

This is my only "new" Eli picture and it is several weeks old. This was at his dedication. I will try to get more this week and post them for Auntie Sunshine. Sorry. He has changed so much since this photo that I feel odd about posting it but I know how much everybody wants to see him. Posted by Hello

I'm not sure what this face means but it probably requires a diaper change. Posted by Hello

This is one great mom! Soon to be crowned worlds greatest. " So tell us Mandy' How would you bring about world peace?" Posted by Hello

I was going through the Chiles get together pics and noticed something strange, Chris P. is not looking at the camera in any of the pics! Not only is he not looking, he is making weird faces. Is this intentional? See for your selves. Posted by Hello

This isn't so much a bad face picture as much as a "not looking at the camera" picture. Posted by Hello

This can't be on purpose. Another bad face picture! Posted by Hello