Monday, January 23, 2006

This is my friend at work Brandon and his daughter Summer. This picture sits on his desk. Isn't it sweet? Posted by Picasa

I couldn't resist doing a little touch up work. Thank you Freddie Mercury for the guest appearance. Posted by Picasa

This is the gang from Winter Retreat '06. We had a great time without ANY problems! Amazing Speaker, Music, and youth group. Posted by Picasa

This is what they usually look like. Posted by Picasa

This candid shot of Johnny and Andrea is too funny to pass up. Sorry NASA, you can get me back later. Posted by Picasa

Mom and I hanging out on the Youth retreat. It was nice to have some time away from Luke but 2 days was hard for us. Oh yeah, I grew a beard. Posted by Picasa

Yeah, add your own quote in the comments section for this one Posted by Picasa

This is a little late for Christmas pics but this one is just too funny. I hope the turkey baster wasn't a real present. Posted by Picasa

Too sexy for my high chair. (Or a washcloth for that matter) Posted by Picasa

Mom giving Luke a horsey ride. Posted by Picasa

"I thinks some got up my nose mom." Posted by Picasa

When Luke makes a mess, he knows that it means a little naked time around the house. Posted by Picasa