Sunday, September 23, 2007

Prank Time

I am on a posting frenzy right now. Enjoy!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Story Time!

Luke wanted to tell a story for mom on camera. This is the cautionary tale of "T-Rexy Boomy Doony", a Dinosaur who apparently doesn't wash his car.

Marshmallow Madness!

People have been asking me why I haven't posted a new video in a while.
This video is my response. A full fledged 2 year old is like a F5 tornado bearing down on sanityville.
In hindsight, maybe marshmallows weren't the best snack idea. I thought it would be a cool treat. At least the video is funny.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Our good friends (and soon to be former Pastor,,,, AAARRGGHH!) has their own blog now. Ashleigh showed it to me today and I was envious of her add-ons.
I just had to add a music player! I went through and found something that each of us (me, Mandy, and Luke) like and a few that we all like. Maybe one day I will explain where all of these songs fit in our lives. Can you guess who loves the "Fish Heads" song?