Monday, March 27, 2006

This is truly a landmark moment in my life, not Lukes, mine. I, Chris, fed Luke TWO, 2 jars of food (Sweet Potatoes and Chicken along with Dutch Apple Dessert) in 30 minutes without getting a single drop on his clothes! NONE, NADA, ZIPPO STAINO, a.k.a. NO SHIRT CHANGE-O! IN case you haven't heard, Luke is not a big fan of food of any kind. A two jar meal is rare and usually requires many toys, movies, crying(me), spitting(him) and a complete wardrobe makeover. Tonight we watched Baby Einstein's "On The Go" while playing with duck, nail clippers (they go POW!) and Spidey's spastic 4-wheeler.(It drives crazy) Coming soon: Potty Training! Any suggestions?  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What cute pics this posting! Hope all is well. O.K. I guess would be the descriptive phrase for me this week. Proud tho' to be o.k.!! Targets in the potty are always fun==you can buy em or go with anything you have, frootloops)ie see if you can sink the red one)maybe start off with something larger-marshmallows. Mandy you may have to watch gets to be a competitive man thing. At least yall have a family that talks! If one tells the truth--everyones family has secrets and somewhere is a bit disfunctional. It would be soooo dull if they weren't tho'. I include myself in our description-but you can't fix everything. A lesson I had a tough time learning. Every minute you spend worrying about the things you can't change -is a minute you've lost. With my evaluation and 25 cents you may can buy bubblegum(ha) Looks like yall are doing a great job with Luke. Yall are a joy and truly blessed. Say hi to everyone for us. Kiss the babies for....Auntie Sunshine

Anonymous said...

I've heard the same thing about Cheerios or Frootloops.... put them in the toilet and have them aim for the center! This comes from a girl who has taught 2 yrs olds for a while and has a 10 month old boy, herself!! Can't hurt!!!

Glad everyone is doing well and by the way, everyone looks great too!! Need to get together soon, before the calendars get busier!!!

Talk to ya'll soon!
Love, Kathy

Jen said...

Hmmm... Good luck. Logan was 4 before he realized what potty-training was all about.

I think what happened was he peed all over my kitchen floor, I made him help clean it up (YES, I am mean), and all of the sudden he decided he knew what he needed to do.

It is far, far in the horizon for my two-year-old as we have enough on our plate with speech therapy.

Cheerios is good. Having dad help is good, too. Moms don't always have the same authority because we're not similarly equipped, i.e., no examples. Gah.