Friday, September 24, 2004


I am just curious, is anyone reading this blog except me? Why isn't anyone posting comments? Is there a reason? I should find one of those hit counters. That would be the easiest way but I feel kinda creepy keeping up with that info unless it is given voluntarily. Give suggestions folks. (or just post a comment)


Jen said...

Well, I'm here... If that counts!

I don't come by every day, but every few days. And even though I only happened upon this blog via the "Next Blog" button, I come back because most of the entries make me laugh. And the ones that don't are usually related to kids, which is old hat for me, too.

So, as to suggestions, I don't know. I think you're doing fine! =)

Batty Becky said...

Here I am!! And here's a comment for you! I have the same issue. I get so excited when I see a little number under a post, 2 comments - oh boy! It really makes my day.

I moved my site, Beckyisms is now Beckyizms. Notice the letter change, from s to z. Hey that sounds like some kind of VH1 show. Come & visit!