Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ramblin' Luke

I decided to make another video with the cowboy footage since you really couldn't tell wht was going on in the last one. Luke was a little tired by the end so he got a little crazy which makes for good videos.
The music is by Joe Thompson, whom we got to see at City Stages several years ago. A quick check of my Ipod shows that I listen to this album twice as much as anything else I own. I see that they have 31 copies for sale at $7.99 which is a steal. I can't cut grass or do yardwork without this playing.(either in the headphones or just in my head) At least give it a listen. (scroll down for the samples)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are too cute. I told you he needed to model. He is so camera friendly and natural. Hope all is well in Ala. We are beginning to cool down here and enjoy it. Gentle cool breezes and Moo pants are my morning ritual with my coffee. Time flies when you are having fun. We are all soooo blessed. Kiss the babies for
Auntie Sunshine