Monday, July 25, 2005

Reunions are a "Hoot"

This is me with an old friend Jody Jones. He wrestled with me back in the good ol' days. I had heard a story about him from Noah concerning his college days which I put in the "way too wacky to be true" category until this weekend. I asked him about it and found that it was all too true. Jody went to the university of Alabama which is a few miles from us. He was heading to school one night and spotted an owl laying in the road. It had apparently just been hit by a car. (coincedentally, it was Noah who had hit it on his way back to campus that same night, who had left it to go get a golf club to put it out of it's misery) Seeing that the bird was in fact dead but absolutly HUGE, Jody decided to take it back to the dorm with him. It wasn't bleeding in any way so it wasn't messy, just dead. He wanted to show it to everyone. Everyone. He folded its wings up(he said it was about a 6 foot wingspan) and put it in his freezer. (Next to the push-pops!) He enjoyed pulling out his pet and scaring dorm-mates who were taking a sit down by spreading its wings and running into the bathroom screeching at the top of his lungs. Funny. Then he came home to a high school football game and brought his "pet" owl. He closed it's wings and put it on his arm and told everyone that it was "sleeping" but they could pet it. He said tons of people wre rubbing all over it. Even teachers. Crazy, funny, but crazy. You couldn't make this stuff up. Posted by Picasa

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