Saturday, June 23, 2007

Just chillin out, watching Power Rangers and eating momma's famous "Power Grapes".
"They're GRRREAT!"
Now I see how big the world is to a 2 year old.
Luke wanted a pic of my set of dice.
Daddy had a little booboo at VBS. Needless to say, I don't lie kickball, and I shouldn't slide(especially on broken glass.)


Anonymous said...

As we strive to learn something new everyday---what are power grapes? Never know when this info may be of great value....Both Lukes and your pics are great. He did a good job centering etc Anytime you can spark an interest for them-go for it. Sounds like the pics have already been of great value (pottywise) Hope all is well your leg and Mandy is doing well. I am doing exceptionally well with my knee. No more PT just rehab myself in the pool and bike. No limp!!! Blessed yet again...Take care of yourselves . Hi to the Truetts..Know they are busy...Kiss the camera kid for Auntie Sunshine

Mandy Hays said...

Power Grapes are just grapes washed and then sprinkle cherry jello over them while they are still damp.
My leg is fine and congratulations on the knee. Thank you as always for the comments.