Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank everyone for their prayers in this time of trauma. Mandy was injured Saturday morning when she and the lawnmower she was riding slipped off the side of an embankment and flipped down. She is reasonably okay considering the alternative. I will give more detail here one day in hopes of helping everyone know how wonderful God is. Suffice to say that she is alive but without her right thumb. She will be having another surgery Thursday to repair her wrist and index finger. This should be the last surgery for a few months and they are talking about us going home sometime this weekend or early next week.
Please pray for her healing and emotional strength during this trying time. We can't thank everyone enough for the love and support you have already shown. May God bless you all. Chris


Mandy Hays said...

Thanks Anon, your post has really helped me in this time of need. Maybe I will need some intrest free credit or maybe I could sell something like, I don't know, medical supplies, slighly used or something. God, thank you for giving me Spam to lighten my mood and remind me that the world still turns just the same no matter what tragedy befalls us.

lil'bitty said...

The three of us are praying for you guys. If there is anything that you need - I know you won't ask because no one ever does ask for help - then I'm sure God will provide (maybe he could use us to be the earthly facilitator of his Will) Just a thought. Maybe to lighten the mood a little (think in your loudest over the top announcer voice "MORE SPAM". We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Just want yall to know that prayers are going up from Fla as well. My friends feel like they know yall from what I tell em about Eli and Luke. You know they don't call HIM the Great Physician for no reason-he has guided Angels to protect, drs to heal and given us a well from which to draw faith, courage and hope. Not to forget the wealth of friends who love and care for yall. God speed the healing process for you all and bless yall in uncountable ways. Kiss those babies for me. Keep us posted when yall can. Love and prayers from Sunny southwest Fla----Auntie Sunshine

Jen said...

Thank God for watching out for Mandy! That truly is a blessing... Of course you know I am praying for your family.

Cori said...

OH MY!!!! I just read about the awful accident!!!! I am so glad Mandy is okay! My thoughs- although late- are with you and your family!