Sunday, February 20, 2005

We couldn't pass up the ultra-touristy "Old Fashioned" photo shop. He was so funny in that outfit! Too bad that it was hot and he got upset. Once again "Professional photo = Angry Baby." How does he know? We still got a great photo for the whole family. I snapped this with my digital right before he started screaming again. Trips to the Smokies are always a lot of fun but Luke made it all new again. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Old fashioned isn't all bad--just think how Luke will love this when you show all his wonderful pictures to the girlfriend!!Wheres the naked on the rug pic? Yall do a fantastic job on this page. Was checking for new Eli pics. Take care of those precious babies!!

Eli's Auntie Sunshine

Jen said...

No, no.... In our family it's the "naked in the bath" picture that all the girlfriends will see. My sisters all did this with modestly-placed washcloths or rubber duckies. Not me!

The picture of Luke is really cute. He looks too perfect to be real in it, with his "OHMIGOSH!!! What are you guys doing to me" deer-in-the-headlights stare.